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Hey Everybody!

There's a few more seats left … I want a full house. It's free this time []

Here is what I'll be covering: []
Man! I really wish I could see that, it would be so great if you could make a video of this and post it on the net…please!!!
Oh yeah, getting my canoe and I'll be paddling over.
I'll plug this for Andrew. He will soon be releasing an ebook that covers Chops. It's very close and looking good
That's great news, for us who didn't make it to the classes. :wink:
Thanks for the plug Peter!

That's actually really nice considering you're the one who's taking the time to review it and you know just about all of it already :shock:

I should really plug Peter's efforts .. seems like there's a very large amount of great learning content out there now because of him in many areas of Houdini that many previously learned the hard way.

I'd love to see students coming out of school and being unsatisfied with Max/Maya's limited feature set. It's just a question of time before more studios pick up on it.
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