Hey all,

I want to try and start getting into the Houdini fluid tools. I've been trying to use the Particle Fluids to generate some points coming from some animated geometry which transforms in x and snakes left and right in z, basically like a car driving and swerving, with the fluid emission being the car exhaust emission, hanging in the air with some nice fluid sim-esq movement. Trouble is I am getting nowhere! I'm trying to use the particle fluid emitter in conjunction with the particle fluid object and particle fluid solver. I have an emission working but the movement is akin to that of a normal pop sim, with none of the nice eddies and fluid type movement.

I tried introducing a vector field as I thought maybe I need a vector field to advect my fluid object through to get the desired movement, but I can't get it to visualise let alone introduce the type of movement I'm after.

Any help would be appreciated.


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