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Full Version: problem with geo_vexvolume
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » problem with geo_vexvolume

I am unable to render a scene using vexvolume procedural.
I am using the methode discribe in the fractal tutorials provide by cmivfx.

When I use only Volvop (even link to a cvex shader) everything is ok.
But mantra render nothing if I try to use vexvolume procedural.
If I add some smoke material it render a little square …

Thanks for you help


edit: nvm. specifying bounds seems to be the problem, which makes a lot of sense. when there's no bound, it seems to be confining the volume to a 1x1 square area, which just so happens to look like a little box.
yes it works now i set bounds properly

thx for the explaination and the litttle shader ( I will customize t instead of the basic smoke)

It seems the basicsmoke I more “secure” with its conditionnal statement but do you think its really useful ?


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