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Full Version: using particle as a field in fluid?
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » using particle as a field in fluid?
Hello all,

I am emitting fluid from particles, but I was wondering if I can use the same particles to use as a field for the fluid. Is there such a way to emit and affect fluid at the same time? Thank you for reading my post!
Sure you can.
Look into the gas_particle_to_field dop microsolver. You can transfer the velocity from the particles (or from points in sops) to a custom field in dops. You can then add that field to your velocity field in dops.

So in a way you are creating a custom velocity field. You might find this interesting for further reading: []
You can also create the field in SOPs using volume from attrib and then bring the field into DOPs using SOP Vector Field.
Thank you both! I'll look into your suggestions. Thanks again!
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