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Full Version: Voronoi Fracture ground collision
Root » Technical Discussion » Voronoi Fracture ground collision
Hi Friends
I am new to Houdini , I just want to know how to control the voronoi fractured objects to stand on the ground without colliding with the ground geometry. Once the impact happens then the fractured pieces should collide in the ground.
Use a Impact Group. Here is a simple example.
box_object1 -> fractureparms has box_object2 as it's impact driver.

gl mate!
Hi kwejk

Thanks for the reply.
I will see the example.
Hi kwejk

The Impact group option comes only when we use make breakable.

I am Pre fracturing the geometry using Voronoi fracture points and using the RBD Glue DOP for Holding them together.

Is there any other option.

Thanks kwejk for your reply
I usually prefracture only as a look develop step. then transfer the settings over to DOPs by basicly copy pasting all settings as relative reference. That way i can get a look very close to what i need.

But this can of course fracture my geometry in a little different way depending on impact point etc..

Same workflow as in these videos. []
Simple hack is to just animate your objects active/passive state with a activevalue node.
Thanks for ur reply
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