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Full Version: why i need to set up $JOB every time i start houdini?
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » why i need to set up $JOB every time i start houdini?
i want to set a directory as my main project so i can use $JOB and not be doing $HIP,

but every time i open houdini i have to do edit path and variables and copy paste the address of my directory.

i did a file houdini.env and put it on the houdini instalation folder.
in there i did
$JOB = cmypath/bla/ble/bli

that should do it right? or i am missing something?

2 thing happen 1 i was looking at the folder where i install it and not the one under user with the settings,
2 it need to be JOB = /cbla/bla and NOT $JOB
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