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I Just installed Houdini apprentice Edition and it crashes as soon as I hit any dynamics related button i.e pyro, cloud Flip or even basic dynamics.

I am using a 8 core 4Gz Amd Bulldozer system with ATI HD 5770 1 Gb Graphics Card.

But the same Is running completely with full stability on my laptop which is a AMD A10 Apu with HD 6720G2 1GB Graphics Card.

Both Systems have 8GB Ram.

Please Help.
Which operating system are you running?

Windows needs it's service packs and security updates.
Both of my systems are running Windows 7 SP1 64 bit.
If there is any particular update which I need to download, please let me know!

Please log a bug - Thanks! []
I have posted my log using option 3.

Thanks and lets hope for the best. As a new Houdini user, I am excited to start learning this application as soon as possible.

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