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Full Version: Shaking Fractured "glass" issue
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Shaking Fractured "glass" issue
Cameron Kraft
Hello, I'm a VFX student who's currently learning this wonderful but confusing program and I am just curious on how I can fix a certain issue. We are learning fracturing by somewhat replicating a pane of glass breaking. Everything looks good in the sim but when the fractured pieces (mainly small-medium size) are on the ground, rather than sitting still, they are shaking, rolling, spinning, and somewhat dancing. How can I get these pieces to all settle down and behave like a real life inanimate object?

Sadjad Rabiee
If you use Bullet Engine , So you can use Sleeping feature.
Just you should select your Dynamic Object in the AutoDopNetwork and Increase Linear and Angular Threshold parameters in the “Collisions –> Bullet Data” to some larger number like 15 :wink:
Cameron Kraft
Thanks for the reply! It settles things down a bit but it doesn't really look realistic. Any other ideas?
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