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Full Version: Can't get Houdini Apprentice to open
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Can't get Houdini Apprentice to open
Hello! I just downloaded Houdini Apprentice today, but I am having a problem with actually getting the program to open. I downloaded the 64-bit version for my 64-bit computer, which is running on Windows 7. I can get the Administrator Command Line Tool window to appear, but when I try to get anything else to open, my mouse acts like something is loading for a moment, and the separator between the start button and the rest of the task bar disappears for a moment, but then they reappear and nothing happens.

I've tried redownloading it twice, but that didn't seem to work. :?

Would anyone have any advice for me? I'm very much looking forward to playing around and experimenting with Houdini Apprentice.
It might be a graphics issue. What card and driver do you have? Search this forum for graphics related issues for a fix.
Ah, thank you very much! I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470, and it turns out that that was the problem. I found how to get it to bypass that, and now the program opens properly. Thanks again!
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