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Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » from solid to liquid
hi . in houdini demoreel i see effect that iwnt to know how to do that . i attach video link . can any one tell how to do this? thanks []
Sadjad Rabiee
Welcome to Houdini world my friend :wink:
You have too many way for this purpose , You can use Viscosity Attribute like uploaded project , Or you can put Flip particles inside of your collision object , Then extract your collision mesh from specify point , something exactly like “Oily Lion” project that I made for my VFX Demo Reel :idea:

Watch “Oily Lion” project on my VFX Demo Reel from below link (in time 1:18"): []

And I made a simple project about Viscosity method in the Attached File :wink:
but after that another problem is how to change the shader ? for example how to change ice cream material into water material as seen in demoreel i posted? thanks?
Sadjad Rabiee
The simplest way is to do it in the compositing , But If you wanna do it in the 3D project , you should use Layered materials algorithm for mixing two different shader :idea:

for more information check these topics : []

AND []

You can also just mix two different surface models with a mix node and animate the bias.
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