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Full Version: Reveal scattered circle by animated radius of a sphere
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Reveal scattered circle by animated radius of a sphere
Antonio Cappiello
Hi guys,

I'm making some tests for a project but I can't solve this issue right now.
I explain you:

I have a scattered Circle (radius=10) and I'd want to reveal the points from the center to the max length of the radius. For doing that I thought to animate the radius of a sphere that starts from 0 and reaches the length of 10 at frame 24.

So the basic idea is that the points that are situated outside the sphere should be “hidden” until the sphere won't cover them while its radius increases.

Could you please help me to solve this?
Thank you so much!
The Delete SOP with animated bounding sphere radius should work? Tell it to delete the unselected points.
Antonio Cappiello
Hi Edward,
thank you for your answer, it works perfectly!
Can't believe it was so easy I was thinking about some trigonometric functions and instead the solution was right there! ahaha

Again, thank you for your help!

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