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Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » How to use POP Replicate?

I am a bit lost with the new POP Network. Several operators seem to have disappear and the replacing ones are not so easy to use.
Beside it seems the examples in the documentation are still based on the old POP Network, which is quite confusing.

So this is my problem: I try to generate new particles based on the collisions between particles from a given emitter and the ground. something quite similar to the BounceSplit example in the documentation.

When I created my particle system it went into the AutoDopNetwork. In this network the Split is not accessible. As far as I understand, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the Split has been replaced by the POP Replicate.

The thing is I don't manage to activate the replication when the hit occurs. I though I could use an expression based on the number of particles in the group from the hit, with npointsgroup, but it doesn't seem to work (I fact I don't know what to put in the Surface_Node parameter).

- Can someone tell me how to use npointsgroup within a POP please?

Here is an example scene.

Thank you very much

Naser Eslami

I am a bit lost with the new POP Network. Several operators seem to have disappear and the replacing ones are not so easy to use.

hi do you see this tutorial ? []
particle in h13 not complicated just need a more practise if this tutorial doesn't work i create new tutorial for you
i hope this tutorial solve your problem.
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