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Root » Houdini Engine for Maya » Changing Topology Mesh Motion Blur?
Radovan Milosevic

Is this working now?

I tried this writing geometry (like $F4 and $FF) , and i'm not getting motion blur.

Is your asset a file SOP that reads in files? If that's the case, your files need to include the motion samples needed for motion blur.

For example, when you render frame 5, your renderer might need frame 4.8 and 5.2. So the geometry files that you read in need to include 4.8 and 5.2. If you only have integer frames (like 4, 5, and 6), that's not enough for deformation blur.

Regarding changing topology, the Engine plug-in definitely supports it. However, most renderers still require the motion samples to have matching topologies to render deformation blur. For example, within frame 4.8 and 5.2, the topologies need to be the same.

The attached OTL file is a grid that grows outwards, and it has a noise pattern applied. The grid's topology changes every integer frame, but the deformation happens in between frame.
haggi krey
Woudn't it be useful to use point velocities in these cases?
Is that possible with the engine? Alembic saves the geometry with point velocitites as much as I know.
I see two ways of getting point velocities to work.

1. Inside the asset, use VOP SOP to deform the the points based on the velocities and time. This is probably the cleanest way to do it.

2. Maya mesh has something called “Motion Vector Color Set”, and some renderers support it. The renderer basically uses a color set as velocities, and deform the mesh based on the velocities. This is similar to using VOP SOP, but it's done by the renderer. Inside the asset, you'd have to output velocities into “Cd”, and then set the mesh's “Motion Vector Color Set” attribute to “colorSet1”.
Radovan Milosevic
I tried second method and it is working.

In arnold renderer default color set is velocityPV .So is there a way to make color set in asset with this name(velocityPV ) , and then will be automatically picked up by arnold , or must be done with Cd attribute.

Radovan Milosevic
I tried second method and it is working.

In arnold renderer default color set is velocityPV .So is there a way to make color set in asset with this name(velocityPV ) , and then will be automatically picked up by arnold , or must be done with Cd attribute.

The current way that colors are being output doesn't allow the name to be changed. It's the same reason there can only be one color set power mesh right now. It'd be great if we can change that, but it's not so trivial.
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