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Full Version: namespaces in Maya
Root » Houdini Engine for Maya » namespaces in Maya
Hey guys, testing with maya 2015 and 13.0.523 it looks like there is an issue with namespaces. If my digital assets has namespaces (i.e. EAS::myNode::1.0), it seems to fail to load in Maya due to trying to rename the node accordingly. Removing namespaces from my DA works for now, but ideally it would be nice if namespaces were supported.

Thank you!
I see the problem. I think the problem is with the version number. II was hoping to fix this today, but it doesn't look like I would have the chance to. I'll get to this asap.
Thank you! Let me know if you need anything
Just made a quick fix to name the node properly. The colons and dots are now replaced with underscores, so you should get proper node names. The fix should be in tomorrow's build (13.0.540).
Thank you for the quick turnaround! That is great news!


Use underscrores in spaces and `.' between padding numbers and file type extentions.
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