Hello! I'm quite new to Houdini - still trying to grasp some concepts. I need to create falling leaves simulation. I have been trying out different ideas but have some questions:

1. Is it possible to have normal/tangential drag (like in cloth objects) for RBD objects - to have some sort of aerodynamic effect ?
I would like to use RBD to simulate a lot of leaves faster as I don't need soft deformations. Cloth sim gives very natural falling motion with normal drag active, but is very very slow for several thousand leaves.

2. I am creating my geometry using simple copy on scattered points and then doing Assemble to create individual leaf names. Partition to group them by name. Then feeding it all to DOP.
The question is - what would be the best approach if I want to remove from simulation all the leaves which have reached certain condition - i.e. they have collided with the ground (or some other condition - i.e. leaf velocity is 0 for last N frames (For cloth it would be average velocity of all leaf points)).
I need to keep the geometry around and render it, but I would like to remove it from Cloth/RBD simulation to speed things up.
How are this kind of problems usually solved? Is it possible to remove objects/pieces from dynamic simulations?