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Full Version: cant expose Paint and Edit SOP
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » cant expose Paint and Edit SOP
Lune Sparkle

i have been trying this for weeks maybe and i still have not found the way to expose an EDIT or PAINT SOP, the way im doing it is the next one:

i create the Edit sop and then in the digital asset i expose it as an editable node, the same for the paint sop.

im using houdini engine .335, i know i have asked for this like 3 times, but if it is possble i would like to request a step by step guide (as simple as possible) of how to expose and work with this SOPs on unity

What you're doing to expose the Edit SOP is correct. Only the Edit SOP works right now so the Paint SOP will do nothing.

I've attached an asset that should show how its done. In Unity, when selecting an asset with Edit SOPs exposed you'll see some UI in the Scene window letting you Paint and Edit among other things.
Lune Sparkle
Thank you again damian! the asset works great and now i was able to expose the edit SOP, im sure i tried this before but it didnt worked before.

i will try to upload a video soon to show what have i been doing with houdini engine.
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