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Full Version: object merge node doesnt work in unity engine
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » object merge node doesnt work in unity engine

I have a houdini asset that has two geometry objects. In the other one im using objectMerge node to fetch mesh from the other Geometry object but it doesnt seem to evaluate at all in unity.

Im new to unity and houdini engine so this might be user error.

What could be wrong?

Probably best to use an example asset that has this working. I attached such an example.

When you instantiate the example asset in Unity you should see a parameter in the Inspector called “Test Geo Input” under Houdini Asset OTL (Script) > Inputs. If you drag any other Houdini asset with geometry or a pure Unity mesh onto that parameter the weird looking text should be replaced with the input geometry with some point jittering applied to it.

If you open the asset in Houdini you'll see the Object Merge node in there. The only thing that needs to be done for it to show up in Unity is to promote its “Object 1” parameter to the asset's top level parameter via the Type Properties window.
Thanks Damian,

after checking your otl i realized that my object merge node was using absolute paths to fetch from another geo:

changing it to relative fixed the original problem:

i guess thats a basic thing to remember in otl/hda

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