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Full Version: Exposed colliders for touch/click
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » Exposed colliders for touch/click
Hi Guys,

Is it possible to attach multiple colliders within houdini that are exposed to unity's touch/click events? Or do you need to add the colliders on the unity side?

Touch/click detection, as far as the stuff I implemented, works with regular Unity colliders. This means that if you don't mind your mesh having colliders that will ALSO affect your gameplay you can use the regular collider workflow for Houdini Engine to create multiple colliders in Unity.

I attached an example asset that uses colliders. The basic idea is that you create primitive groups in Houdini called (or starting with) “collision_geo” for geometry you wish to have collision but NOT be rendered, or “rendered_collision_geo” for geometry with collision that should also be rendered/visible in the game.
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