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Root » Houdini Engine for Maya » Key frame channel animations?
Are key-framed channels supported?

I've animated some digital asset parameters, and would expect to see a animation curve with key-frames connected when i load the asset in Maya.

Granted not all the tangent types could be supported…
Key frames are supported in a sense. The entire animation curve isn't available in Maya, but the evaluated values for the current Maya frame is available. So whenever a frame changes in Maya, Houdini Engine gets updated with all the new values for the current frame.

This is why if you save out the HIP file from the “Debugging” menu, you won't see the entire animation curve inside the Houdini scene. However, if you simply play the animation on the Maya scene, the asset does evaluate according to the Maya animation.

However, since Houdini Engine only ever sees the values for the “current Maya frame”, some time-related operations isn't possible, since those require Engine to have access to any time sample that's needed. This is currently a limitation.
I am not able to even make it work with simple keyframes and it crashes all the time if I try to use it.

So I can't animate parameters inside Maya?

I am using Houdini and Maya 2016.
You should be able to animate parameters in Maya. Since you're on Maya 2016, did you see the post about Maya 2016's evaluation mode []? I wonder if it's because of that.
Thanks for the feedback!

No it wasn't me, can you help me find where this evaluation option is inside Maya?
Dude! You are awesome!

I found it and it works!

Today is a good day, thanks!
It's in the Preferences. I've updated that post with a screenshot.
Pure awesomeness!
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