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Tried putting this on the exchange forum, but I'm not sure if it gets read by anyone :roll:
Are there any plans to fix the login bug?
Hi Simon,

I applied a patch to the server last night. You should be able to upload assets to the exchange after logging in.

You may need to log out first and then log back in (though you'll only need to do this once).

Please let me know if you're still experiencing problems.


–Rob V.
Hoorah, that seems to be working now.
ok I can login now, but when I try to upload anything I get this message

ERROR: The file was not uploaded properly, please try again

Seems to work if I zip files up first. Plane otl files it doesn't like.
Thanks Simon. I'll look into the problem.

–Rob V.
ok I can login now, but when I try to upload anything I get this message

ERROR: The file was not uploaded properly, please try again

Seems to work if I zip files up first. Plane otl files it doesn't like.

Hi Simon,

It's fixed now. You can upload plane otls to the exchange.

–Rob V.
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