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Full Version: Houdini Indie -> Unity
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » Houdini Indie -> Unity
I've bought Houdini Indie and installed the lic, but when I migrate over to Unity it tells me Houdini Indie Assets are not allowed with commercial lic. How do I install the houdini indie engine into Unity?

The Houdini Indie license can run both Houdini and Houdini Engine (including the Unity plugin). There are no extra licenses that need to be installed.

That said, did you by any chance activate a Houdini Engine 30-day trial? If you go to your Houdini License Administrator, make sure you do not have any regular (non-Indie) licenses of Houdini or Houdini Engine in there. Regular commercial licenses cannot open indie assets in any Houdini Engine plugin.
After you delete the key from key file you need to restart the license server. Go to Windows services and restart HoudiniServer.
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