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Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » Vertex color
Hi all!

I have trouble to work with houdini engine and vertex color.

I need to both read and write vertex color from geometries with an otl.

Writting vertex color from houdini to unity works perfectly by reading cd point attribute.
But I did not not managed to make houdini read vertex color from unity's game object. I tried to read it from point attribute and vertex attribute, with the same result.

Is there something special to do to read make houdini read vertex color from a game object? Is it even possible to do that?

We don't currently send back the vertex colors from Unity to Houdini on meshes. We do if you use our painting tools but that's a separate code path. If you just set vertex color yourself on a mesh it won't be sent to Houdini.

If you'd like support for this, please submit an RFE to

The latest H16 unity plug-in (16.0.605) now also exports vertex colors on input meshes to Houdini as Cd and Alpha point attributes.
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