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Full Version: Houdini 16 engine doesn't seem to be working when you have inputs in your asset
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » Houdini 16 engine doesn't seem to be working when you have inputs in your asset

When I load my OTL asset in unity it doesn't show any option to connect geometry or a curve in unity.
In the old version of the engine I did get the inputs on the asset where I could choose the geometry or curve in the unity scene.
Does somebody has the same problem?
Which version of Houdini/Unity are you using?
I should have mentioned that I am now using the houdini 16 engine in unity now and I was comparing it to the houdini 15.5 engine.
Ok, then this sounds like a bug in H16 Unity plugin. Can you submit a bug report with an example asset to and I'll try to fix asap.

That said, in the H16 Unity plugin, operator path parameters are now in the main list of asset parameters. They are no longer in a separate “inputs” section of the Houdini asset Inspector tab.
i think i have similar problem. i draw a curve with houdini engine 16 in unity , i added this curve to curve decorator path. And i added a prefab to instance_object.

But houdini engine creating objects only to 0,0,0 point over and over. I added screenshot. I hope it helps to fix bug , thanks
Jerry Stanley2
I am having a similar problem. The curve decorator will not follow the path regardless of what I try. I have watched the videos and read the documentation but nothing works. Unity 5.5 and Houdini 16.
This should actually be fixed in the latest daily builds of 16.0. I forgot to update this thread. My bad.
Kai Xu
This should actually be fixed in the latest daily builds of 16.0. I forgot to update this thread. My bad.

This problem seems to presist in build 568
Yes!!!!! I met the same problem.
Input under OTLs(script) is missing.. Some code might be forgotten to include in the released version…
Ken Xu
We are investigating this problem, and will update as soon as we have more information.
Ken Xu
We are investigating this problem, and will update as soon as we have more information.
This issue pretty much renders Houdini 16 digital assets useless in unity

This issue has been fixed and will be available on tomorrow's daily build (16.0.592).

To clear things up, there was actually two regressions:
- with object path parameter inputs, this was fixed by Damian a month ago (in 16.0.543)
- with “standard” sop/inputs, this one will be fixed in 16.0.592.
It shows Inputs label but when expanded they are still empty.

No editable nodes show up.

Editable nodes (and painting) should be fixed in the latest Houdini daily (version 16.0.596).

For the inputs, if your plugin is updated to 16.0.592, they should be working.
How did you set them up? Are they SOP inputs or object path parameters?

Please send me your hda and I'll have a look at its issue.
I switched to using operator path parameters instead of using the inputs of my assets. This works well, but before when I could use the inputs of the asset instead of the operator parameter and I used a curve in the input of the asset in unity, the asset would update realtime when I changed the curve. Is it possible to get this behavior with using the operator path parameter?

Yes, it seems that curves connected to object path inputs were not triggering a recook.
This bug will be fixed in tomorrow's daily build (16.0.604)
I just tried it with version 603, but doesn't work.
Should I be a little bit more patient and wait for the next build or is there something I need to check or change to make this work?
Yes, as I committed the fix yesterday, it's not in 16.0.603.

604 is available in the daily builds now, and will have the fix.
Great thanks! it works now.
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