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Full Version: How do I return trial version of Houdini Engine?
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » How do I return trial version of Houdini Engine?
I have bought Houdini Indie, and my free Houdini Engine Indie as well. But I had activated 30-day trial version of Houdini Engine before, and it hasn't expired yet. Now I can't import digital asset into Unity because I have a trial version of full commercial license Houdini Engine and a limited commercial license (Indie) at the same time. So when I import my digital asset, Unity gives me an error:
Asset not loaded: HAPI Error: Limited commercial (Indie) assets not allowed with commercial licenses.

I have tried to return the trial version I activated using Houdini License Administrator, but it always gives me an error:
ERROR: Invalid license id. You may only return licenses that were acquired online via the Houdini License Administrator (hkey) or Houdini Online Services.

How do I return my 30-day trial so I can use my Indie license?

Sure, for this type of issue, just write to and they'll be able to help you.
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