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Full Version: When I set an "Edit"-Node as "EditableNode" in the Operator Properties, no Paint Tool show up in Unity
Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » When I set an "Edit"-Node as "EditableNode" in the Operator Properties, no Paint Tool show up in Unity
Hello everyone!

I'm still learning Houdini and do a lot of tutorials to find my way around.

I did this Game Tutor tutorial on a Houdini Terrain tool.
They used a “Edit” node and exposed it as “EditableNode” in the asset's type properties window.

I did the same thing (following the tutorial) but when i load my OTL in Unity, i don't get the green Painter Window in the Scene view.
Is there something i'm missing? Or did things change in the newest version?

I'm using Houdini 16 and Unity 5.6

Thanks for you help in advance!
Ken Xu
Could you upload your asset? We can take a quick look.

Sure thing! Thank you!
See attached file.
Is the OTL file all you need? (as i mentioned…still learning how this all works :-))


Seems like your issue is to due to a regression in the plug-in with editable nodes and painting.
Expect a fix for this next week.
Ah, ok - cool!
Do i need to download an update of Houdini Engine then?

Yes, please install the latest daily Houdini (version 16.0.596) and reinstall the unity plug-in.
Painting with editable nodes should work fine with it.
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