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Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Make wind deform (animate) a plant model.
Dear Houdini Community,

I've recently started to learn Houdini and have been grinding tutorials for the past weeks. However I don't know the proper search terms for my questions so I apologize if this is an obvious one.


I have a scene with about 20 plants and I want to deform them using wind simulation. Here's a drawing on my though process so far:

The issue is really, I don't really know where to start of where to search for an effect like this. Any tips?

Many thanks in advance,

Entagmas new videos on Vellum although not directly showing how to do this, shows enough that one could do it after watching the tuts…at least that's what I thought and will try once I get around to it.
bunch of ways - try Vellum for deformation…
for your ‘lines’ you could use the wirecapture/wiredeform
you could build a lattice from each plant's boundingbox and deform those points…

are the plants modeled in Houdini or are they imported geometry?
@BabaJ: Cool, did not know they already had a video on Vellum, will watch tommorow.
@goldfarb: I'm planning to create everything in Houdini. Will try the lattice effect tommorow (regarding text below).

Thank you all for your responses. Vellum indeed worked great for the lines. I was lucky and got help from ArjanM [] who also helped me with an initial setup for deforming geometry. Since I'm a novice at VEX and Math I still don't fully comprehend everything, but I'm happy with the pace I am learning. Tommorow I'm going to try using different deform methods as I've noticed a small issue regarding rotation of the deformation. Here's an image of the current effect using the PointDeform node. I want to have the effect of the Bend Deformer. According to Arjan it could be related to the normal.
ArjanM [] figured it out: Here is his example file. I don't understand the VEX code personally, but I will be grinding VEX tutorials untill I do.
Thanks for the hip joosjordens…new at this vellum…so the more examples the better

Hacking away at this and although it's getting away from what you want, I think this could be the start for an “airdancer”.

Edit: On a side note. Does anyone know where to set the default version of Houdini for opening hip files post on the forum? I have both 16.5 and 17 installed, but when I go to open this hip I posted here through the forum it uses 16.5 and because it has the new nodes errors out. I can manually browse to find 17 to open, but I was wondering if there is a way to set the Houdini default - not sure if it's a forum/browser or OS setting.
thanks for sharing
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