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Root » Houdini Lounge » Hi everyone ! First post noob question !
Hi there

I want to get my teeth into the aperentice version of houdini, is it possible to install it on two different machines with one account ?


Ps everytime i hear the word houdini it makes me laugh as its also used to describe one of those poops you do that when you look in the pan its vanished !!
I think the nice guys from Sesi allow you to install it (apprentice version that is) on as many computers as you want. I don't think the apprentice version allows you to use network rendering though ( So you can install it on your laptops in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom or where ever you planted your computers. Have fun with Houdini.

Thanks for the reply although i just realised there is no version for windows 2000 which my work computer is running trying to get an upgrade in this place is like blood from a stone !
The Windows XP version will run fine under Windows 2000.
great ! thanks alot for the fast replys guys !
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