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Full Version: Q: Wedging preserving original value implemented?
Root » PDG/TOPs » Q: Wedging preserving original value implemented?
OK cool thanks I'll try again tomorrow!
Seems to work now thanks!

I do notice that if I use the Orient parameter from the Torus (as an example) and use its String value (i.e. x, y, z) I will get errors on the Wedge node:

Error running callback 'onDeselectTask': The attempted operation failed.
Invalid menu item

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/software/hfs17.5/houdini/pdg/types/utils/", line 92, in onDeselectTask
File "opdef:/Top/wedge?PythonModule", line 87, in restoreAllCallback
File "opdef:/Top/wedge?PythonModule", line 62, in _restoreImpl
File "/opt/software/hfs17.5/houdini/python2.7libs/houpythonportion/", line 72, in set
File "/opt/software/hfs17.5/houdini/python2.7libs/", line 45860, in _set
def _set(*args): return _hou.ParmTuple__set(*args)
OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Invalid menu item

The Int version of that parm works though.

Calling parm.set(“x”) etc does work, so not sure why it's failing.

I do see where “bad” data could be entered in the Wedge top though when wedging strings, perhaps this could be a little more artist friendly if that happens?

17.5.253 Linux


Peter B
That particular case will be fixed in tomorrow's build. The Wedge TOP now tracks the target parameter/captured value type separately from the attribute type - before it was assuming that they matched, which caused some issues.
I forgot to thank you for all the Wedging keeping track of original values, it's very nice over all now
Hello, I found dangerous things. If you capture parameter and it contains expression, variable or link. You will get evaluated value and you can't restore real values. For example, if the captured parameter contains $F4 after Restore you will get digit not variable $F4. So now it very dangerous to use this.
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