Hello! I am new to Houdini but we have been using it at my company for various game related tasks. I have a general question about character animation. I have done some tests with the muscle tools and using skinning converter to get the simulation baked to joints. using the Muscle example file of the T-REX legs I was able to get the scene baked to joints and exported as an FBX and into Unreal.

What I was wondering is if we are animating in MAYA can I import the FBX rig, load all the animations (that are also exported as FBX files), then setup a muscle rig in houdini? I have already successfully exported this from Houdini what I am looking for is general information on bringing in the fbx rig and loading the animations onto it. is this done with Agents?

If anyone can point me in the right direction on doing this that would be great.