Found an odd thing that I imagine is a bug. Using Houdini Engine 17.5.229 and ue4 22.2

If I select an HDA Actor in Unreal. And set Rendering –> Desired Max Draw Distance to 1000.0, it will apply that… even within the editor (not in play mode) it starts hiding the hda geometry if i get more than 1000 cm away. If I reset it to 0.0 or any other value it still hides it if the camera is 1000 cm away.

Two things odd about this:

#1 the obvious that I can't seem to change the value it uses for distance culling after setting it once.
(I'm guessing the value is getting copied from the Actor to it's components but it only happening the first time you change it?)

#2 usually setting draw distance only culls visibility at play time, not while editing the map. With the HDA visibility culling starts happening on the HDA during editing the instance you set it.
(e.g. If set max draw distance to 500 on a normal static mesh actor, it will be visible no mater how far away while editing,
but if i click “play” then it shows/hides based on camera distance)

(The HDA I'm used has instanced meshes, if that makes a difference. Was like the one you make in the first few minutes of this video