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Full Version: Weird analog like signal render glitch Arnold/Solaris
Root » 3rd Party » Weird analog like signal render glitch Arnold/Solaris
Mark Wallman
Arnold will not render in Solaris in Houdini18. I am using Windows 10 The first release of Houdini 18 (Houdini education, but does have full access to Solaris) and the latest Arnold. htoa-5.0.1_r5e954ab_houdini-18.0.287.
My package file for Arnold for Houdini does work to set Arnold up. I have tried creating Lights in LOPS and in on the OBJ context and importing them. And doing the two alternatives for cameras, And the two alternatives for shaders (Importing them in and creating them directly in LOPs). Everything I do leads to the same weird render glitches, and then 10-15 second in Houdini crashes. I can get Karma working. I have also reinstalled Houdini and Arnold. Have I have missed something out. And if I have would some kind soul be kind enough to make a simple demo like I have done as an example on how to use Arnold in Solaris. Mine is just a sphere, a shader, a light and a camera. That’s it. I am also using the Non Games drives for Nvidia for stable workflows. I am not connected to the licence server at the moment, but rendering water marks is fine. I have tried to save out an crash log but Houdini just pops out before it can write anything.

All the best

This seems like it's probably a problem on the Arnold side… Have you posted on their forums as well?
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