I seemed to hit a wall after trying out many options to make PDG / google Cloud combo work without a VPN
I have cloud instances on google.
I have a hqueue server and hqueue client visible to each other.
Machines behind google cloud and local have no firewall running
Ports like 37800 37801 explicitly opened from google cloud interface (ingress and engress) and also port forwarded to the instance.

Regular hqueue submissions are able to work.
I can`t make PDG Scheduler work. I believe its an msq server problem
AFAIK , I need msq ports open on both ends.Since this is over cloud I will assume msq needs to run over external IPs.

by default i get time-out error
and this is what it says in Houdini hqueuescheduler

Failed to start the Message Queue Job
RuntimeError: Failed to make outgoing connection to Message Queue at port 37801. Check your firewall or VPN rules.
gaierror: No address associated with hostname

If I run msq manually on both machines /opt/hfs18.5/bin/mqserver -i EXTERNALIP -s -p 37800 -n 1024 -l 2 -w 37801 1024 result

I get
error: Address already in use

using PDGMQ_USE_IP = 1 at task env Variable changes the error message to
RuntimeError: Failed to make outgoing connection to Message Queue at port 37801: Timed out
Check your firewall or VPN rules.

Is there a way to run this without a VPN, what am I doing wrong ? Any pointers ?
