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Root » Houdini Learning Materials » Introducing the My Learning page:

As learners go through all the lessons in the SideFX library, they can now organize their learning using the New My Learning Dashboard. They can build up a list of tutorials they are interested in, track their progress to completion then review their accomplishments.

Here are the main features of this new My Learning page:

  • It will be a new tab on the Learning Pages beside Learning Paths, Tutorials and Experts
  • Tutorials can be bookmarked to make them available on the My Learning page
  • Tutorials that the learner has started go in the In Progress section with a progress bar displayed.
  • Once a tutorial is completed it goes into the Completed section.

Please add any feedback in this thread.
Hey Robert, good stuff. I'll copy what I've written on the release announcement here:

Pages like that UE5 magical attack tutorial series need to have to be able to collapse the sidebar. Currently only 'hack' to make the video tutorial take more screen is increase the overall zoom in the page (so that the css thinks we are on ipad and moves the sidebar vertically downwards).
I also would say that Completed should go to the bottom of the stack, so that Bookmarked are in the middle.
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