I want is to get the "World Outliner Input" twice, with the same actors, with a different "Unreal Spline Resolution", because the way Houdini Engine resamples beziers right now, it destroys the control points and therefore the "scale" attribute key points. The goal here is that level designers don't have to fiddle and set default themselves every time they drop a new instance of the HDA or the actors list is changed.
For that I have a couple of questions:

A) How to set the default of some subparameters in each of these "World Outliner Input" op parameters, for example the "Unreal Spline Resolution" to their own default. One set to 0.0 and another to be above 0.0, like 10.0.

B) Is there a way to have an input mimic another input's world outliner selection, while not copying the other options?
I tried to simply link the HDA parameters in Houdini and what happens is that they it mimics everything, not just the outliner selection, but also the "Unreal Spline Resolution".

Here you can see the intended result

I tried to link them but the input then is an exact match, where changes to the "Unreal Spline Resolution" parameter on the second on do nothing to change it.

If I could link the world outline selection while having the "Unreal Spline Resolution" different for each set automatically, I would just hide the second operator parameter. And the in Houdini I solve the resampling myself.
