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Full Version: In Karma, How do i get an ambient occlusion render pass?
Root » Solaris and Karma » In Karma, How do i get an ambient occlusion render pass?
Is it possible? I can't find anywhere. I don't need AO for Shader. I need it for global scene.
On the Karma Render Settings node, enable "Simplified Shading" to switch to a global ambient occlusion mode. Note that Display color still tints the scene, so you might need to block the attribute on the geometry to get a gray render if the attribute is present.

It doesn't seem to enable AO for XPU though, instead it renders a simple version of the scene without shaders and headlight only.
On the Karma Render Settings node, enable "Simplified Shading" to switch to a global ambient occlusion mode. Note that Display color still tints the scene, so you might need to block the attribute on the geometry to get a gray render if the attribute is present.

It doesn't seem to enable AO for XPU though, instead it renders a simple version of the scene without shaders and headlight only.
Thank you. Yeah, it looks like it might work, but Karma defenetely needs more better way of AO
Better than checking a box?
Better than checking a box?
Yes. It is a super global and I need more control. For example, I need AO only between objects and a ground and not AO of self produced ground.
Better than checking a box?
Yes. It is a super global and I need more control. For example, I need AO only between objects and a ground and not AO of self produced ground.

That sounds like you need to write a custom shader.
Better than checking a box?
Yes. It is a super global and I need more control. For example, I need AO only between objects and a ground and not AO of self produced ground.

That sounds like you need to write a custom shader.
This sound you should avoid write answer here.
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