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Full Version: PDG nuke services in houdini 20
Root » PDG/TOPs » PDG nuke services in houdini 20
Hello. I am wondering if anyone could point me to or show me an example of how the nuke services in houdini 20 should work when using it in PDG. In the original example file, the example uses the Deprecated shared server configuration, but evidently its been switched to services. The issue I seem to be having is when I switch to a service, houdini/PDG no longer know where to get the nuke python library from so it doesn't seem to work. I'm sure this is a simple enough answer but I can't seem to find anything in the docs that explains it.


Nuke doesn't work with services yet in H20, and probably won't until H20.5, which is why the Nuke block still defaults to using shared servers.
Makes sense! I'll end the goose chase then. Cheers!
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