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This looks amazing!!
This looks amazing!!
Thanks, do you have any suggestions? I feel like most people are not interested in this.
This looks amazing!!
Thanks, do you have any suggestions? I feel like most people are not interested in this.

I know a lot of people who would be, I'll be sure to share the link to this.

I think the main blocker is that it's a bit hard to know at a glance if it's a personal project or something that's available. I would definately recommend to make a bit of an intro graphic on the videos and a "call to action" at the end with some links. And also put more information in the video description with links etc. Would also make a landing page or at least gumroad page with all info and latest version, info about license etc etc.
This looks amazing!!
Thanks, do you have any suggestions? I feel like most people are not interested in this.

I know a lot of people who would be, I'll be sure to share the link to this.

I think the main blocker is that it's a bit hard to know at a glance if it's a personal project or something that's available. I would definately recommend to make a bit of an intro graphic on the videos and a "call to action" at the end with some links. And also put more information in the video description with links etc. Would also make a landing page or at least gumroad page with all info and latest version, info about license etc etc.
I released a free version on gumroad and made an installation tutorial. It may be that the installation process is complicated and many people clicked on the page, but not many downloaded it.
Simplification is always good, and I think there are enough people who would like to use it, including me. I'm just very busy at the moment. It's not a simple script that converts A to B, it takes some time to integrate it into the workflow.
I released a free version on gumroad and made an installation tutorial. It may be that the installation process is complicated and many people clicked on the page, but not many downloaded it.

Would recommend the same as above still. Add links to your gumroad in each youtube video description as a minimum.

And also +1 for simple install. The lower barrier to entry is to get started the more people will test it and start using it.
super cool. I wish sideFx would add this out of the box!
Easier installation.
Awsome ! I realy like the ez library making.

have you messed about with the type properties window scripts tab aswell ?
Awsome ! I realy like the ez library making.

have you messed about with the type properties window scripts tab aswell ?
Haven't covered everything yet, just wanted to see everyone's feedback.
I'm very interested! Does this only work for Houdini 20? or does it work for 19.5 as well? (I'm currently stuck on 19.5)

(I dont see any system requirements anywhere. Ie version of houdini, os, any apps, libraries. or pluggins that need to be installed)
This is incredible; can it sync with visual studio code when run alone ? Otherwise I said all I can say about it 🧡
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