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Full Version: Day 20 | Character | Ragdoll Solver SOP | Image
Root » Mardini 2024 » Day 20 | Character | Ragdoll Solver SOP | Image
Lost in the forest...

HDRI courtesy []

Discovered I could have the joint constraints set automatically from a MotionClip. This saved me a lot of time that I spent trying to figure out why my glasses were coming out black instead of transparent instead. This article was helpful for understanding some points about how to manipulate the rig: []

This should be my last daily image so I have a complete run for "Ironheart". Many thanks to Robert, Moeen and everyone who entered. I learned a lot!
Day 20 - Ragdoll Solver SOP

Made with Greyscalegorilla+
Ragdoll solver late entry. KineFX rigging. Shading and rendering in Karma. Modeling in nomad sculpt.
Had problems...this is the best I could come up with did rag without any motion.
not proud of this Iron cappie...
Learned a lot trying to get my own design working - hybrid....
But it all "fell apart like a rag doll" I just hacked the given scene a bit...
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