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Full Version: Comparing pscale per frame
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Comparing pscale per frame
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to get the value of a pscale attribute for each frame and compare it to the pscale from the previous frame. I’m looking to create a growth effect where the particle in range of growth keeps its higher value over time, been looking everywhere for some sort of similar information, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
If you're in a Pop network, create an attribute @pscale_prev, then in a pop wrangle:

f@pscale = max(f@pscale, f@pscale_prev);
f@pscale_prev = f@pscale;

Otherwise you can use a solver, with an attribute wrangle, Input_1 in first input, Prev_frame in second input, and do:

f@pscale = max(f@pscale, f@opinput1_pscale);
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