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Good morning everyone,
I'm doing rendering tests with the OCIO color profiles.
I have changed in Houdini that the .EXR are taken with the ACEScg profile and I see that in AE is not embedded the profile that I have configured in the render with Karma. I have to assign the profile by hand “ACEScg ACES Working Space AMPA S” and then if they appear very similar, although they are still not the same .....
Is this correct? shouldn't the profile come embedded from Houdini? and if it doesn't come embedded,.... Is the profile that I am assigning in AE correct?
Thank you very much in advance!

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I think this is a problem with After Effects, not Houdini/Karma. I've had similar issues with renders coming from Redshift and Octane. You'll probably just have to match them up for now.
open AE,choose File > Project Settings > Color

Set as follows

color engine :OCIO color managed
OCIO configuration:Custom
Custom OCIO Configuration:C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\houdini20.0\ocio\houdini-config-v1.0.0_aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.1.ocio

Bit Depth: 32 bit per channel(float)
Working Color Space:ACES/ACEScg
Display Color Space: sRGB-Display/ACES1.0-SDR Video
open AE,choose File > Project Settings > Color

Set as follows

color engine :OCIO color managed
OCIO configuration:Custom
Custom OCIO Configuration:C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\houdini20.0\ocio\houdini-config-v1.0.0_aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.1.ocio

Bit Depth: 32 bit per channel(float)
Working Color Space:ACES/ACEScg
Display Color Space: sRGB-Display/ACES1.0-SDR Video
Thank you very much! I mean, pointing both programs to the same OCIO profile configuration file, I was trying to configure it in an old AE version,... Great thank you very much!
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