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Full Version: Pixel Inspect Values > 1
Root » Solaris and Karma » Pixel Inspect Values > 1
When I inspect pixels in the Scene View, it looks like it has a range of 0-1 even though I know some values are well above 1. Is there an option somewhere that clamps the values to 1 while rendering? I can save the image out and open in the gallery and sample values over 1 there, but just wondering if I could do it in the Scene View in my hydra delegate. Thanks!

Houdini 20.0.653
Rocky Linux 8.9
Right now the Scene View inspector returns the final graded/clamped colour. There is an existing RFE to inspect the "raw" (pre-grading/pre-clamping) values, but I'm afraid we've not yet gotten to it.
Right now the Scene View inspector returns the final graded/clamped colour. There is an existing RFE to inspect the "raw" (pre-grading/pre-clamping) values, but I'm afraid we've not yet gotten to it.
Thank you for the update! That would be great to have so we could adjust exposure and QC HDR compliance.
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