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Full Version: I can't run houdini apprentice in fedora based distro!
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » I can't run houdini apprentice in fedora based distro!
I installed Houdini via the GUI launcher. Everything seemed good, but when I run the app, it only shows me a small window and does not open the app. It remains stuck in this state. I've tried running it many times, but with no results. I've attempted to run it in both Wayland and X11, but nothing has changed. I am using Nobara, which is Fedora. Please help me!

Thanks in advance.

It's the newer versions that are having problems. We're currently working on getting Houdini to run on RedHat 9.4, so I'm guessing that might be the issue here.

You can try disabling Houdini's use of jemalloc at a performance cost if you're desparate. In your shell with Houdini setup, do something like the following and see if that at least gets it up and running but I don't recommend doing production work without jemalloc because I've seen things like 5x slowdowns.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HFS/dsolib/empty_jemalloc:$HFS/dsolib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ houdini
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