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Full Version: Issue with parenting a tracked plane to part of a Geo
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Issue with parenting a tracked plane to part of a Geo

I am trying to use a tracked plane in 3d space and have it drive part of my geometry in my scene.
I have managed to have it "soft transform" a part of my geometry, the only issue is that the rotations aren't coming with. Only the position is added to part of the chosen Geo (I am aware that inside VOPs I told it just to do that, but i don't know if there is a possibility to have rotations form the plane also influence the geo. Maybe with up and N?).
I tried use in quaternions and some vex to achieve the desired rotation and position translation of the geometry. That worked, but now i am stuck as the how i should make it only partially/gradually happen over the geometry.

Hopefully my scene and some screenshots help, to understand what i am trying to achieve.
There are several ways to do it, here are two. You could create a transformation matrix from your quaternion (using ident() and rotate() ), and then use cracktransform() with an appropriate pivot to get rotation values you can use in a Soft Transform sop.

Or you can create a falloff attribute, rotate the whole geo in a branch that you'll connect to the second input of a wrangle, and with your unrotated geo connected to your first input, mix the point positions using:
lerp(v@P, v@opinput1_P, f@falloff);
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