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Full Version: Primitives do not spawn on the 0,0,0 origin?
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Primitives do not spawn on the 0,0,0 origin?
Spawning in a primitive or any other object for that matter puts it immediately not on 0,0,0 but somewhere else.
Mind you, that the node is completely independent from any other nodes. And the geometry spreadsheet doesnt seem to recognise this since when looking at the points that it is on the 0,0,0 origin despite the scene view saying otherwise.

I have no idea what is going on here.
Is your viewer possibly looking at the result of your geo with transformations at the object level?
I m not quite sure if I am following. As shown in the picture, the box node is independent of any other node such as a transform.
Your geometry is located inside the TRENCH object. If there are transforms on the TRENCH object, and if your viewer is displaying your geometry at the /obj level (which I can't see the way your screenshot is cropped), the result you're getting would make sense.
Oh I see, it must be that than. Not sure how I can force it to focus on the line on a pure object level. But thanks for the help
also, thought i'd add... if you want to move something to the origin, (so it sits on it, or above it, etc), you can use the "matchsize" node
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