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Full Version: Foundations Book for Houdini 20
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I am thinking of buying but was wondering if the version for Houdini 20 releasing soon?
Any ideas on the release date or the 19.5 version is still relevant for Houdini 20?
I am not updating it for H20 - will update it for the next release - working on it now

While there hasn't been an official release date announced for Houdini 20, SideFX typically follows a pattern of releasing new versions approximately every 1 to 1.5 years. Given that Houdini 19.5 was released in mid-2022, it is possible that Houdini 20 could be expected sometime in 2023 or early 2024.

Have we just fallen through a crack in the space-time continuum? Most of us are expecting 20.5 pretty soon : )
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