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Full Version: Better visibility of selected nodes
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Better visibility of selected nodes
Does anyone know if there's a way to adjust the way a selected node is visualized in Houdini, so its easier to spot whats currently selected ?

I checked the prefs, but nada.

The tiny yellow border is hardly visible on a 4K monitor, so it would be nice if it were somehow possible to adjust the color of the whole node or something like that.

If I understand you the blue display/render flag is active on for example a sphere node and you select/activate another node like for example a box node and want to change how this active node is viewed?

To do this press "d" in the viewport..."markers tab"

"set display options for" : current model geometry

Then change the drop down menu under "draw" to whatever you prefer.
Hey thanks.

No, what I mean is the little yellow border around the node in the Network View you currently see around the selected "Box1" in your screencap.

Is there a way to change that into something better visible on a 4K monitor. When zoomed out one almost has to use a magnifying glass to see it.
Ah gotcha...just briefly looked for a chance that the global UI scale or network view display options maybe had something but as you said seems like nada.

I have seen people do some pretty funky things in the network view with python, perhaps that's an option.....I would be interested if you find anything as I just picked up a new 4k monitor and had not even really noticed.....until NOW!
lol, yeah, once you notice its starts getting annoying very soon.

Unfortunately I wouldn't know how to Python if my life depended on it, I guess it's time for some AI in Houdini to replace scripting.

Maybe I'll try what Chatgpt comes up with ;-)
Here is how you could do it, copy these files from the houdini install directory to your user directory

Copy from:
C:/Program Files/SideFX Software/houdini20.0.*version*/houdini/config/

Copy to (create config directory if it does not exist):


Then open up the file in a text editor and change this value "GraphBorderWidth: 2" to something larger
You can then either restart houdini or refresh the color scheme:

Proof that it works
Hey, thanks a lot mister AslakKS.

That looks much better, I’ll try that asap.
Oh my.....I was not expecting this and so well explained....brilliant!
How on earth did you manage to figure this out?

Got to wonder why are there sooooooo many options the UI could take advantage of and doesn't.

Confirming it sure does work........too much??
Good to hear that it worked for you too
Keep in mind that this might break after updating (major updates often change/add values in these files)
I always wanted to add some overlays for the display, render, and output nodes on screen that has the same size on screen regardless of zoom levels and text, i.e. 1 for output:1 and a large hollow circle with distinct colors to immediately see the key nodes.

I have to investigate how to do this, not sure if the network editor supports this kind of decorators based on visible nodes or if it would require Qt tricks.
how to see selected (yellow border) node/nodes:

1)hover the mouse over the node graph
2)press F (for frame) on the keyboard

it will zoom in and center on any nodes which are currently selected.
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