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Root » Houdini Lounge » --> 3D BuZZ Houdini Online Course Now Active...
For those that didn't know or that forgot about it, the 3D BuZZ online Houdini course is up and ready to go for anyone that is interested, free of course (thanks to Sidefx ).

If you haven't already done so, all you need to do is go to http://www.3dbuzz.com [3dbuzz.com] and register a user name. Then you'll have access to links in the navigation on the left navigation. Click “Online Courses” and you'll see a link for Houdini. Fill out the info and that's it! Then get to learning

Although I am a bit biassed, this Houdini course is really impressive and is going to be awesome for learning in at a professional level.

Thanks again SideFX for the opportunity to learn this way!
Yeah!! I started it and it is great. Buzz and crew put the vtm's together well and they start right from the basics. I found it difficult learning Houdini on my own as the interface is totally different than what I was used to.

I highly recommend this course, especially if you're a beginner.
Play with it for an hour a day and I think you might get addicted like I do. (Until more urgent and immediate tasks that needs to be done pull you away. )
Yeah, the buzz course is totally awesome. Sidefx did a very nice (and clever) thing sponsoring buzz! You sidefx guys rock
I have to add my voice in agreeing that the 3d Buzz houdini course absolutely rules. I am fantastically impressed, and am presently working on the second assignment. All said and done, I think this partnership just goes a long way to show how much Side Effects cares for its community. If they can do something like this for me and others who want to learn 3d, I can happily continue my struggle of adapting to Houdini's unique interface. If it wasn't for the 3dBuzz course, I think I would probably have given up by now, but I feel harnessing Houdini's undisputable power is an achievable goal for me with the great stuff in this course.

i haven't gotten to try these tutorials yet but this is a great idea and i have been waiting for a while so see some tutorials for houdini
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