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Full Version: Reloading Asset Definition frequently results in a 3ds max crash
Root » Houdini Engine for 3ds Max » Reloading Asset Definition frequently results in a 3ds max crash
Hi, I'm running Houdini Indie 17.5.173 and Houdini Engine v3.2 API 40, and while building a simple asset, trying to reload it in 3ds max, will almost always cause it to crash. Any thoughts on how to mitigate this? I'll submit a bug report on this as well.
Update: this isn't restricted to reloading the asset. It seems that any time I make changes to the asset in Houdini, while it is still loaded in max causes the whole thing to become unstable. Trying to then do anything with the asset in 3ds max, including trying to delete it, stopping the session, reloading it, causes a crash.
Hi there – can you attach the HDA that is causing problems? I have been unable to reproduce this so far.
Hi Brandon. Apologies, things got a bit manic with work. The issue I face isn't restricted to any specific HDA. I have used about 3 or 4 different HDAs and I experience the same level of instability with all of them.

Could this be in any way related to the version of max I am using? I am on 2019 ( Perhaps an update is in order.
Hi, no problem!

I think your 3dsmax version should be okay. I have an update coming soon that should increase general stability – including asset definition reloading. I will let you know once the update has been added to 17.5. Hopefully it will solve some of these issues that you are having.
Hi, no problem!

I think your 3dsmax version should be okay. I have an update coming soon that should increase general stability – including asset definition reloading. I will let you know once the update has been added to 17.5. Hopefully it will solve some of these issues that you are having.
Sounds great, thank you. Looking forward to it.
Stability update will be available in tomorrow's build (17.5.257). If you still have crashes and/or other issues after updating, please let me know!
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