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Full Version: Redshift ROP + Deadline: extra tokens detected in expression
Root » 3rd Party » Redshift ROP + Deadline: extra tokens detected in expression
Hi guys!

I installed Deadline recently and normally I have a multiple RS Rops where I define the render folder path with a string parameter in a null node. The thing is when I submit the render job to Deadline with the expression that I use for output I'm getting this error:

(Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression (/out/Redshift_ROP_HQ_PMs_DWAA/RS_outputFileNamePrefix)).

I 'm defining the folder paths in the null like this: $HIP/render/

And the rest of the expression on the RS Rop is like this: `chs(“../RENDER_PATHS/render_folder”)`$HIPNAME/$HIPNAME.$AOV.$F3.exr

Somebody knows how I have to change the output expression in order to get the render correctly? Here is a screenshot from the expression:

Thanks a lot!
hello, have you found a solution to your question? I am having the same issue when trying to render with Deadline.
Unfortunately not yet .
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