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Full Version: Day 1 | Elements: Earth
Root » HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 1 | Elements: Earth
1st time using Houdini!
Sadly no fog or a cloud but managed t o submit for Day 1 in time!
Thanks for a cool event, should be fun!
Day 001 - Earth. Thanks for encouraging people to learn more about your program!
HOULY Daily Challenge Day 1
Wish I had more time to spend but definitely going to set aside more time for the next one!
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Day 001 Earth
Crystals and earth colors! H for Houly! This is such a great idea for an event, so thanks for putting it on!
Day 1
Day 1 Earth - Happy Canada Day!

Rendering took forever, cutting it close to the deadline! Had to cut the fireworks short.

Here is my submission for day 1! Thanks for watching.

4K Still:
Here's my submission. The biggest challenge is scoping a project that is feasible to do in a day. I intended to have a character pouring a handful of earth into a volcano. Modeled the character and ran out of time to rig it, oh well. Lesson learned.
Mitch Diamond
I went with the more elements version of the prompt “Earth”. Tried creating a more like earth bending type effect. Screenshot uploaded for the forum. It's a bit basic, but I wanted to make sure I hit the deadline. I'll create a video on social media.

7/3 Update. Finished a render of what I had. https://youtu.be/Nbfa4BmPU0Q [youtu.be]
Excited to start the challenge, hoping to learn a lot!
day1 earth
Thanks for such a cool event, should be fun!
Hi there, made this on stream tonight. I'll be building on it.

Here's the short render made with flipbook.

streams are available there too…

Thank you for your consideration,
Earth & Earth Worm
Hello guys,

Here is my submission of the Earth element. My official Side FX account is from my design studio but I don't know if I can only submit my entries with a personal account like this or if I can do with my official account, I'll do with the other account too just in case.

Thanks for this event is really fun, cheers and stay safe!
Hi all! Last minute entry.
Only had an hour for this! Looking forward to this challenge though.

It's a procedural planet shape creator. In Houdini style, feed it any poly shape and it generates planet water layer and continents!

Wish I had more time on the shader.

Hi, Carlos Dordelly here again. Here is my entry with my official Side FX account too.

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